In the New York Area? Love Live Events? Come Jam With Us!
Together, Ticketmaster and American Express are focused on building memorable moments for every fan. So, for the first time, we’re opening our doors and asking you to join us to help discover ways to make your next event unforgettable.
As lovers of “live” – we seek your voice, experience, wisdom, and passion to help us find what real fans like you crave.
In an intimate and fun setting, we’ll work together to find the answer to the big question: how can a ticket purchased on Ticketmaster, with your American Express® Card, take your next event from being memorable to unforgettable?
Register here to join Ticketmaster and American Express for a special and fun day in New York City, filled with team idea building and of course, prizes!
As we prepare for the event, below are key dates and times along the way:
Fan Jam Registration Opens
Monday, May 13 at 11AM PT. Register online to let us know you want to join us for the day.
Fan Jam Registration Closes
Friday, May 24 at 11AM PT. After this time no additional registrations may be submitted.
Fan Jam Invitation Status
By Wednesday, May 29, we’ll let all eligible fans who registered know if they have a spot to join us for the day. All registrants are eligible unless we exceed our space capacity.
The Fan Jam Event
The event will be hosted in the New York City area on Tuesday, June 11, 2019. Those invited to participate will get more details on Wednesday, May 29.
For commonly asked questions about registration and how it works, read below for more details.
The Event
What is the Fan Jam hosted by Ticketmaster and American Express?
The Fan Jam hosted by Ticketmaster and American Express is a day-long collaboration between a community of passionate fans who are excited about live event experiences.
In an inspiring and intimate setting with guidance from thought leaders, participants will work together to identify and develop ideas to make their live event experience even better.
We’ll explore how a ticket purchased on Ticketmaster with an American Express Card unlocks customer delight in exciting and innovative ways.
Do I need to prepare in advance?
From ticket buying to event attending, start thinking about the things you love, things that don’t work well, and what we need to totally flip on its head. We want you to come ready to share anything and everything that will help make your next event amazing.
If you’re invited to attend, we’ll help share some ideas to warm you up before you arrive. Just come ready to think BIG!
How do I register for the Fan Jam hosted by Ticketmaster and American Express?
Registration is simple and requires just a few details. Visit https://fanjam.ontouraccess.com/and connect your Ticketmaster account to register. Or, simply create a new Ticketmaster account when you begin your registration.
When does registration close?
Registration will close on Friday, May 24 at 11AM PT.
Can I register if I don’t live directly in the New York City area?
Yes, you may register. However, the event will be held at a New York City location and participation is required for the full day. If you register, please be prepared to attend the event.
Can I register for the Fan Jam more than once?
You will only need to register once. However, if you think you made a mistake, go ahead and register again – we’ll only keep the last form submitted.
I registered more than once, will I be disqualified?
Don’t worry, you will not be disqualified. Please note, we only keep the last registration submitted.
I received a confirmation email, what does this mean?
We have successfully captured your registration and this is a confirmation email to help provide next steps and other details. Once we get closer, we’ll provide more information to the email used to complete your registration about your invitation status and the event.
Event Invitations
When should I expect my event invitation?
Once registration closes on Friday, May 24, we’ll need a few days to make sure we have all the details. All registered participants will be notified by Wednesday, May 29 of their invitation status.
If I’m invited to attend, do I need to do anything else?
Once you receive your invitation email, we’ll need you to confirm you’re going to attend the event. More information and next steps will be sent by Wednesday, May 29 to the email used to register.
Does registering to the event mean I’m guaranteed to be invited?
Eligible registrants will be determined on a first-come, first-served basis, while spaces last. However, should demand to participate exceed our space capacity, a waitlist may be introduced. Should additional spaces become available, eligible registrants who are on the waitlist will be sent an invitation to participate in the order in which they appear. There is no guarantee that everyone who registers will have the opportunity to participate. Spaces are limited.
I know others who would love to come, can I tell them about the event?
Of course! But we’ll need everyone to register in advance. Copy and share the link below with them, and make sure they register before Friday, May 24 at 10PM PT.
General Event Questions
What is the agenda for the day?
For those invited to the Fan Jam, we have a full – but fun day planned. There will be a variety of activities and idea building in a team and collaborative setting. We’ll share more details as we get closer.
Will there be prizes?
Of course! We’ll have a welcome gift for everyone joining us for the day and prizes will be awarded to various teams based on presentation criteria. We’ll share more details with those invited to join us.
How will teams work?
We’ll share more about this at the event, but participants will form their own teams based on the ideas they’re excited to explore. We’ll help make sure you know exactly what to do at the event.
I’m not very techy, will I be able to participate?
Yes, we’re looking for all fans! The Fan Jam will be creative and less technical. Think of this as one big idea tank, and you and your team will work together to come up with exciting and fun concepts.
Ticketmaster and American Express will be there along the way to provide any help you need.
I have more questions, is there someone I can email?
We’d love to chat more! Send us an email at Fan.Jam@Ticketmaster.com and we’ll get back in touch as soon as we can.