When You’re The Social Chair of Your Friend Circle

Every group of friends has one – that special person the group counts on to organize at the last minute – because no one else will, and because another night playing Cards Against Humanity is out of the question. Maybe that’s you, the Social Chair of the gang, and maybe it’s Friday night and all eyes are on you to make something happen.
The thing is, you’re never worried because you know you have options. You just need to assume control of the situation.
You know that the best way to score tickets is by showing up to the venue and taking a chance. Just showing up is half the battle! At Live Nation-owned-and-operated venues, such as The Wiltern, The Forum, and The Palladium in Los Angeles, the box office is open and often stocked with tickets available right up to the last minute.
Of course there are times when even getting the crew out the door is its own mess.
Thankfully, there’s an app for procrastinating friends, too. Shortlist shows you popular concerts in your area that still have legit tickets available. And here’s the important part for the shiftless friends: You don’t need to sign in or make an account to make a purchase. Luckily, you’re probably so on top of your game, you already know the myriad ways to get in the door when you decide it’s time for the crew to catch a show.
And as every Social Chair knows, these magical powers of “knowing what’s going on” and “making decisions” grant you the authority to make executive decisions.
Want to decide you’re all going to see The Nightmare Before Christmas at Hollywood Bowl with the original composer, and that’s final? The crew is all about you making that decision.
You’re not done yet, though. Now you’ve got to get everyone looking good before their night out.
The funny thing is, once everyone is on their way and about to start their night, you finally get to relax and reflect on a job well done.
Well, until it’s time for an after-party, anyway…